Chocolate Compound (COLATTA)

Chocolate Compound (COLATTA)

Category: Chocolate

Dark Chocolate Compound, Milk Chocolate Compound, White Chocolate Compound

Colatta Professional Chocolates l White l Dark l Milk Compound Block 1kg

Available in 3 different Chocolate
- Dark
- Milk
- White

Professional Bakers' Choice - Easy to use since they are Multi-Purpose
Very Delicious
Recommended storage temperature – 18 – 25 degree celsius

Colatta Compound is very suitable for Pralines shells, candies and truffles.
 Covering or coating petit fours (fancy cakes).
 Decoration material (Ex. chocolate curls, frosting or chocolate shaving).
 Ganache, mousses, sauces, etc.
 Brownies and many other cake. .

View more about Chocolate Compound (COLATTA) on main site