Dry Apricot

Dry Apricot

Category: Dried Fruits

Delivery Options
^^ West Malaysia East Malaysia Penang Area Pick Up (Butterworth)
Payment Method
^^ Bank Transfer TNG E-Wallet
250G, 500G, 1KG, 5KG

1. Increased Concentration of Nutrients
The vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber present in apricots become significantly concentrated when they are dried.

2. Promoting Eye Health
    Dried apricots are a natural source of Vitamin E and Vitamin A, both of which have numerous amazing health benefits. Apricots contain Beta-Carotene, which the body breaks down into the active form. Growing evidence suggests that Vitamins A and E, and Beta-Carotene may play an important role in preventing or mitigating age-related eye disorders.

3. Improving Bone Mineral Density
4. Skin Damage and The Effects of Aging
    Vitamins and dietary carotenoids have been known to play a vital role in overall skin health and appearance. In fact, many nutri-cosmetic products contain vital vitamins and natural carotenoids that may promote skin health.

    Evidence now points to the fact that proper nutrition is critical for skin health and appearance. Dried Apricots contain many of these vital nutrients. They contain beta-carotene for instance, which your body converts into Vitamin A (retinol). There’s strong evidence that it may offer extra protection against sunburns and the more permanent dangers of UV rays

5. Treatment of Anemia
    Pregnant and menstruating women often face a great risk of anemia. This is a condition in which your blood doesn't have enough healthy red blood cells to transport sufficient oxygen to the body's tissues.

    Anemia may be a temporary or long term condition, both of which result from a deficiency of iron. Eating iron-rich foods is the best way to prevent and treat anemia. You can get about 3.5 milligrams of iron from a cup of dried apricot (halves).

6. May Help Reduce Blood Pressure

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