Maruchi Dough

Maruchi Dough

Benefit of Maruchi Dough
^^ * All-In-One Dough * Simlpy add colouring and flavouring to enhance taste and presentation. * Soft and Smooth. * Easy to mold. * Easy to use.
^^ Butter Bean , Sugar , Cooking Oil , Water , Egg Powder , Glucose , Sorbitol , Trehalose , Xanthan Gum , Salt & Citric Acid.
Storege Method
^^ Store in cool and dry place. 我们建议保存在阴凉干燥处!
Packaging Details
^^ 1 Years shelf-life. 保质期是一年哦 !

- All in 1 multipurpose dough .

- Can use as mooncake skin ,filling or even cookie dough

- Simply add coloring & flavoring to enhance taste and presentation

- Simply add your favorite topping ( chocolate chip/ mixed nuts/ coconut flakes) to highlight the texture

- Soft & smooth , easy to mold in your ideal shape



Ingredients :

Mooncake Paste 2KG

Maruchi Dough 1KG


Method 方法 :

1 Scale paste at 60gm each, shape round and set aside.

2Prefered food colouring can be added into the Maruchi Dough.

3Scale the Maruchi Dough as skin at 30gm, shape round, flatten, wrap in (2).

4Mould the dough into prefered shape.

5Arrange on a tary lined with greaseproof paper.

6Bake it at 180°C for 15 mins.



Ingredients 材料 :

Maruchi Dough 250gm

Cranberry 蔓越莓 150gm

Raisin 葡萄 40gm

Pumpkin Seed 南瓜60gm


Method 方法 :

1Combine all ingredient , mix well and knead it into soft dough.

2 Roll it into a long strip. Divide into 30-40 portions (approximate 12g-16g each piece), flatten it.

3 Arrange on a tray lined with greaseproof paper.

4Bake it at 150°C for 20-25mins.


View more about Maruchi Dough on main site